Bright Spring Colors

Scarf By Weekday// Jacket Old From Paris//Trousers By H&M//Shoes By Zara//Glasses Old By Asos//Belt By H&M//Knit By Primark//

Hope you guys had a lovely Sunday. I have been spending mine in bed all day trying, to come over this weekend drunk nights. Hungover, hit me like a bitch today. 1.5 liter of Coca Cola and sleeping all day, I’m feeling much better now.

Am I the only one who has started to dress in spring clothing even though it’s still cold?! I am so over the cold weather, can it be summer already.

Processed with VSCOcam with c1 preset Processed with VSCOcam with c1 presetAu Revoir, peepz!
Bright Spring Colors

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